In Game
Last updated
Last updated
After an initial configuration, the app will ask you to log in, and you will be greated with this main menu
Pressing the steering wheel button will bring you the track selection
Loading screen shows useful information about the track as well as the target time to beat
You are then greated with the session setting allowing you to chose your car, the game mode as well as the assists you want to enable
Then you have the setup of the car, you have the choice between 3 pre definited setup as well as how much fuel you want to load on your car (only available in free practice mode)
We are greeted with a little showroom showing the car at all its angle and offering the driver to see the telemetry, change setup, go into replay and drive the car.
In game we have multiple information displayed, the Speed and throttle/brake level are displayed on the top right, as well as the fuel indicator and the delta.
You can then compare your laptime with Massa telemetry which is another great option in order to improve yourself.
Once you have set your laptime, it will be included in the leaderboard and you're part of the competition
With the addition of the adrenaline pack, the menu has changed, the F150° and the 458 Challenge are now the car set as wallpaper.
Before selecting the tracks we can now select the car
The track selection UI has changed too
Since the track information is shown directly with the track selection menu, the loading screen shows the hotkey for the F458 Challenge and F150° Italia.
The ingame menu has changed a little to show now the KERS level and the DRS activation, but aside from that nothing has really changed.