The cars
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The F10b was the first car being converted to Assetto Corsa, Kunos made things easier with the parts names that match (almost like Assetto Corsa naming) and the mapping of the car was great so it was easy to make the car looks good in Assetto Corsa, (unlike Codemasters horrible mapping)
There was some garbage inside the 3D model, some....Very funny.
White squares in the 3D model and out, probably used to move the suspension (kind of how DIR_ works in Assetto Corsa)
There's a hidden helmet glass inside the car, don't know what purpose it serves but still funny
But the biggest mess is the tyres, each tyre contains all 4 rims and all 4 tyres at once. That's the first time I saw that
It doesn't make any sense why all tyres contain 4 rims and tyres it's just overload and a pain in the ass to deal with. Worst, the tyre side that contains both the rear and front tyre side is one object.
Unfortunately, the steering wheel model doesn't have the glass in the LEDs parts as we could see in the cockpit view. But the steering wheel looks great. Thanks to Benjamin00, we've added the glass on the steering wheel, and we also removed the weird yellow tint on the steering wheel texture that you can see on the previous picture :
After the conversion process, the F10b looks actually gorgeous in Assetto Corsa.
the mapping though has some problems when trying to do a Marlboro skin, the fin is ridiculously small in the livery texture, as if they took F10 livery and tried to add the fin in the small space left.
The F10 is the early season model of the F10, the work was exactly the same as the F10b and the conversion was straight forward, the Malboro skin didn't suffer from the low quality parts that the F10b had in the fin so the Malboro skin was done for that car.
The end result looks just like that F10 poster in the driver presenting the FVA game shot
The F150 was cleaner than the F10 model, while it still has some junk like the helmet visor, it doesn't have the clusterfuck tires, only the tyre side was again a nonsense, each tires cover the tyre sides of the other tyres so you had a total of 4 tyres side per tyres
It was easy to cut all the garbage Spalla and have a working tyre model, at least much easier than the F10 tyres. I also need to merge the tyre side and tyre tread into one single texture to make it compatible with tyrefx compound selection, but that's for another update.
The rear wing has two object, the standart rear wing with the drs off and drs on.
So in game the DRS wasn't animated, the game just spawned the drs on and removed the drs off object. Swapping between those two to do the animation.
The drs was animated using the drs off object ofc for the Assetto Corsa conversion.
The last issue that concerns every car is the steering animation. I'm not yet experienced in doing the steering animation, so I took one that nearly matches the car, but the problem is the nearly. So for the steering wheel to fit completely the hands of the driver I had to either reduce the length of the steering wheel a little (for the F150°) or increase it a little (F10).
The sounds of the cars were entirely recreated using raw sample from FVA, thanks to fisherman for recreating them on Assetto Corsa. Real engine sound for F10 and F150° (used in modern version of the cars) are from
My first car conversion, the F458 is missing from Assetto Corsa and would be a great addition. From a first look, it doesn't look quite right.
There was 3 main problem with the car as is. First one being the shift paddle that are kind of misplaced.
Second problem is that many textures are not there (parts in white)
And the one that drove me crazy for a while was the windshield. At first I used a regular glass texture for it, but I soon discovered that the original one (even though at first glance it looked like a black texture with a red stripe) had the back part on the windshield just like the real car, reducing the visibility.
The problem is, on the inside, it's like there was no windshield at all.
That's where I learned that objects have a concept called "normals" and depending on how they are faced, you could see through the object if you look at it on one side. So I had to duplicate all glass objects and reverse normals.
Wheel blur texture looks off in Assetto Corsa so I just decided not to include it. It really looked low res.
The most annoying part of dealing with was separating the lights. FVA has one single object that covers every backlight on the car, and uses a texture when the light is off, and when it is on. Obviously, this won't work in Assetto where instead of using texture for lights, it applies color lighting directly on the object. So I have to separate the light objects into multiple part and regroup them separating the objects that need to be lit up, and the one that doesn't. You can see the white part of the rear light not being tied anymore to the whole backlight object. And it's not a perfect circle around either if you zoom in.
The backlight wasn't much of a problem, the front light was more tiresome as it has a LOT of light objects.
Had to cut into multiple small pieces, and extract the lights manually from it. And regroup them into single objects.
In the end, I managed to pull it off, and thanks to petercrill for allowing me to use the dash he made for his Forza 4 F458 challenge conversion.